plus one science HSC/VHSE Model Questions physics
1. Which principal can be employed to check the correctness of an equation.Explain?
2. what are the limitations of dimensional analysis?
3. What do you mean by a projectile?
4. A mass is attached at one end of a spring,it is pushed down and released.It is found to execute SHM.
*. What do you mean by spring constant?
*. Obtain an expression for the time period oscillation of the mass?
5. A horse pulls cart with a constant force so that the cart moves with a constant speed.
*. Does it violate Newton’s second law of motion?
*. If not how will you account for the non-acceleration of the cart?
6. Will the speed of the cart increase, decrease or remain the same, if the hours applies more force?
7. What is angular momentum?
8. Obtain the relation connecting torque and angular momentum?
9. Anu throws a stone with a velocity 10Ms⁻1 at an angle 45˚ with the horizontal.
*. What is the path traced out by the stone and draw it?
*. Obtain an expression for the time of flight of the stone?
10. What is Pascal ’s Law. Explain?
11. With figure explain the working of a hydraulic lift?
13. Heat is supplied to a system, but its internal energy does not increase.
*. Which process in involved in this cases?
*. Obtain an expression for the work done in the above process?
14. What is Doppler Effect in sound. Explain?
15. Obtain the general expression for the apparent frequency?
16. Deriver an expression for the velocity of a particle performing simple harmonic motion?
17.If the redius of the earth were to shrink by 1% mass remaining the same, what will be the effect on the value of g?
18. If earth where to shrink suddenly, what happen to the angular velocity of it. Explain?
19. A coin of mass “m” and radius “r” is rolling forward on a horizontal table with a velocity “v”. find its kinetic energy?
20. Two bodies of different masses are to be projected from earth in to space. Whether the velocity is same in both cases. Explain?
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